An Antidote to Modern Times

Calm, cool, collected doesn't only apply to mindful activities. You can experience it in a can, with Recess Sparkling Water.
What makes Recess different from the rest? Recess is a sparkling water infused with hemp extract and adaptogens. These are two powerful and natural ingredients that help us adapt to stress and replenish our bodies' biological system. In turn, this regulates our mood to help achieve a balanced state  of mind.
Besides the Hemp Extract, the adaptogens in all of Recess Sparkling Waters are
American Ginseng - Help you focus and Improves memory
L-theanine - Reduces stress with the help of green tea
Schisandra -Boosts Immunity, promoted balance.
Recess comes in three tasty flavors: Blackberry Chai, Peach Ginger,Pomegranate Hibiscus. You can always find a custom made variety pack, with all 3 flavors, here