Get your Wiiings with two new Red Bull Flavors!

You don't need a bell to ring to get your wings; Red Bull gives you wiiings! Especially the flavorful Red Bull Editions with the tastes of Tangerine, Blueberry, Tropical Fruits, Kiwi Apple, Limeade, and Acai Berry. With so many flavors to choose from, you are bound to find your favorite one!
But Red Bull didn’t stop there. They just released The Red Bull Peach Edition which offers the Wings of Red Bull with the taste of peach-nectarine, and the Red Bull Pear Edition features the taste of crisp pear in a sugarfree formula.
Both are available in 100% recyclable 12-ounce cans and contain 114 mg of caffeine per serving.
With the addition of these flavors, there’s no excuse to get your wiiings!