- THE CHILLEST POWER UP: Our iced green tea is giving “I’m calm, but also ready to take on anything.” Refreshing green tea, a touch of honey + a little ginseng for that extra kick – because sometimes you need zen-ergy.
- NEW ERA ICED TEA: Gut-friendly iced teas that make moments of freedom even sweeter. Made with just 3g of sugar, 6g of prebiotic fiber and nothing artificial, Halfday is iced tea for the new era.
- LOW SUGAR. LOW CALORIES: With only 3g of sugar, 5g of net carbs and 30 calories per can, Halfday is everything you never thought iced tea could be. Check your perception at the door: iced tea can be good and taste great. Sip this.
- GO WITH YOUR GUT: With 6g plant fiber in every can, Halfday Iced Tea is a legit way to support your digestive wellness – even if it doesn't taste like it. (“WTF are prebiotics” you ask? Oh no biggie, just the stuff your microbiome needs to thrive.)
- FLAT + PROUD: Hot take: carbonated drinks are played out. That’s why we made Halfday iced tea fizz-less. You won’t miss the hiss + neither will your bubble guts. Best served chilled.