- The award-winning taste of Hildon Natural Mineral water is born from our exceptional Estate. We reap the jewels of a fifty year journey of filtration and purification, to bring you water as crisp as the English country air
- The water housed in our signature Bordeaux bottles has always been that way. What you savour is a simple, raw reflection of our allegiance to untampered taste and rejection of additives. The Hildon Natural Mineral Water you taste today is the same that trickles deep beneath our beautiful terroir
- Elements align beneath our grounds in such a way that as the water filters through layers of rock, impurities are naturally withdrawn and replaced with minerals. Protecting the rolling acres that surround the Hildon Estate is not only about savouring a pristine taste, but also defending the rich diversity of wildlife around us
- Our aquifer is nestled deep within the Hampshire countryside where chalk strata flourishes as a natural filter. The distinct taste of Hildon Natural Mineral Water is a credit to our commitment to sustaining its lush valley of origin
- Hildon Natural Mineral Water is continuously selected for its exquisite ability to enhance the flavours of your favourite foods and wine. With a pure, pH neutral composition that cleanses the palate, it is the chosen companion of chefs all the world over
This pure, English, entirely natural water is known as Hildon Natural Mineral Water. Our natural mineral water is of an exceptionally high quality and pureness, with a naturally high calcium content and very low sodium content.